Other Links

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website should not be solely relied upon, as it is based on currently available information that is subject to change.
If you have any specific questions concerning the information contained on this website, please contact the Administrative Office.
In the event of a conflict between the information contained in this website and the plan documents, the plan documents will be controlling.
Healthcare Price Transparency Tool www.healthcarebluebook.com/cc/BPABenefits
Aetna Member Portal https://www.aetna.com/about-us/login.html
Aetna PPO -Aetna Choice POS II (Open Access) http://www.aetna.com/
Aetna Transparency in Coverage Machine-Readable File http://www.aetna.com/mrf
Prescription Drug Provider www.rxbenefits.com , www.express-scripts.com , SaveOnSP 2024 Copay Assistance Benefit Drug List
Express Scripts Provider Directory https://www.express-scripts.com/
MediExcel Medical Plan http://www.mediexcel.com/
MediExcel Medical Provider Directory https://excel.network/physicians/provider-list/
MediExcel Urgent Care provider List https://www.mediexcel.com/usurgentcare
MediExcel Transparency in Coverage/MRF https://www.mediexcel.com/transparency
United Concordia Dental Plan http://www.ucci.com/
United Concordia Provider Directory https://www.unitedconcordia.com/find-a-dentist/#/
Vision Service Plan (VSP) www.vsp.com
Vision Service Plan Provider Directory https://www.vsp.com/eye-doctor
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention www.cdc.gov